FAQ about buying a pig from us
Do you want your meat wrapped in butcher paper or shrink wrapped in plastic? Regardless of choice, it will be individually wrapped and labeled. I paid the extra 15 cents per pound for the peace of mind that it wouldn't leak in the refrigerator while thawing. It was a difference of roughly $30 for the entire order.
It's time to select your cuts of pork. Here is a link to the butcher's site. You can also request a variety of other types of specialty sausage.
Below is the pork order form. The left side is how you want everything to be cut and packaged. The right side is what you want to be cured.
How much is all of this going to cost???
Below is a sample.
We currently charge $1.5/lb hanging weight. Payable once the butcher confirms the hanging weight. The remaining fees for the butcher will be due when you pick up your order.
Below are some numbers from previous animals:
198lbs hanging weight:
$297 for the chemical free pasture raised pork
$238.20 for butchering, shrink wrapping, and labeling.
$82.60 for curing, smoking, and sausage making (Well worth it)
Grand total: $617.80 for 145.7 lbs of pasture raised pork in your freezer. An average of $4.24/lb. You can get it cheaper from Wal-Mart, but your guess is as good as mine as to what it's been fed and its exposure to antibiotics, chemicals, and hormones.
145.7 lbs pork in the freezer broke out as follows:
39.6 lbs Ham
7 1/4 lb pork chops
~5 lbs spare ribs
20 lbs pork shoulder
19.3 lbs regular bacon
13.7 lbs English back bacon (The whole reason we raised pigs)
30 pounds ground pork (chorizo, Italian sausage, and bratwurst 10 lbs each)
3 lbs liver
2 lbs ham hocks
2.35 lbs hog jowl
1 3/8 lb Tenderloin
~4 lbs of leaf lard